P h o t o g r a p h y

This was a photo of my first recording session in my basement in 1999.

Live at Penn State University

Life on Fell St in Normal, Illinois 2002.

2002 - Tate and Matthew on WZND radio Illinois State University.

Early website header. (Pictured LtoR: James Meador, Tate Troelstrup, Nick Mitchell, and Matthew Eizenga)

First Name Basis Live on Halloween 2002.

First Name Basis Live at Ju-Ju's Bloomington, Illinois 2002.

Live in Bloomington, IL

First Name Basis ISU festival stage

Getting First Name Basis album EVERYTHING ALL AT ONCE Mastered in Chicago.

This was the original lineup of Two Days Drive (early 2007).

Early 2007 Line-up.

Two Days Drive playing a show in 2007. Aggie Theater, Ft. Collins, CO. (Jed Riley, Matthew Eizenga, Steve Kullas)

Recording Vocals and final mixes before mastering of Pages Fold album by Two Days Drive.

Two Days Drive - Pages Fold Promo

Two Days Drive - Pages Fold Promo

Two Days Drive - Pages Fold Promo

Two Days Drive - Pages Fold Promo

This was used as a promotional endcap at Best Buy for the sale of the Two Days Drive album Pages Fold.

Two Days Drive album available at Best Buy with our own end cap!!

Two Days Drive with two of the store managers at Best Buy for our live show and CD release party and CD signing.

Everyday Joes Coffee House, Ft. Collins, CO

Everyday Joe's Ft. Collins, CO

Mid American Music Festival Clipping for Two Days Drive show.

Two Days Drive final Photo shoot